Characteristics of Non-Formal Education Institutions

Characteristics of Non-Formal Education Institutions
Programs made according to the needs of the community
The material provided is practical or something that is needed by the community at that time and can soon be fulfilled through a short education.
The time required is relatively short
The cost is relatively cheap
The ages of students differ
The class level does not show clear grades
Implementation of activities compiled through good planning
The purpose of directed education is to get work or improve living standards
Time and place of learning tailored to those who need it
Appears because of rapid changes in society.
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Function of Educational Institutions
The function of education according to Horton and Hunt is as follows:
1. Manifest Education Function
To prepare a community member to make a living.
To develop an individual talent for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of the community.
To preserve a culture.
To instill a skill necessary for participation in democracy.

2. Latent Educational Function
Reducing Parent Education, namely through school education, parents will delegate their duties and authority in educating children to school.
Providing Facilities for Disobedience, namely schools have the potential to instill a value of development in the community. This is because it is reflected by differences in views between schools and the community about a matter.
Maintaining the Social Class System, namely school education is expected to be able to socialize to their students to accept a difference in prestige, privilege, and status that exists in society. The school is also expected to be a channel for students 'mobility to higher social status or at least according to their parents' status.
Extending Adolescence, namely school education can slow down one's adulthood because students are still economically dependent on their parents.

Educational Function According to David Popenoe
Transmission (transfer) of culture
Choosing and teaching social role
The school teaches personality patterns
Source of social innovation
Every human being will definitely need education, education for worldly and education for the afterlife.

The Role of Educational Institutions
Family Education Institute
The family environment is the first and foremost educational environment, because from the family the child first gets education and guidance and most of the child's life is in the family. The main task of the family for children's education is as a foundation for moral education and outlook on life.
The nature and character of the child is largely taken from both parents and other family members. Thus family education has a very important role in children's education, including:

First Childhood Experience
Family education institutions provide the first experience which is an important factor in the personal development of children, because from here the balance of the soul in the further development of the individual is determined.

Guaranteeing the Emotional Life of Children
Emotional life is one of the most important factors in shaping one's personality, due to abnormalities in the development of individual education by the lack of proper emotional life.

Instilling the Foundation of Moral Education
In a family the behavior of parents becomes an example by a child and children like to imitate the actions of their parents. "A sense of love, a sense of unity and other feelings and the general state of the soul
very useful for ongoing education, especially education of character, there is in family life in a strong and pure nature, so that no other education centers can match it "

Provides a basis for social education
Namely by growing the seeds of social awareness through help-help in family life, mutual cooperation, maintaining order, peace and others.

Laying of Religious Basics
Introducing religious sciences, teaching the Koran and others. This greatly fostered children's religion.
Thus the role of family education institutions is basic education to shape the child's personality.

School Educational Institutions
School education is basically a continuation of family education only that education in schools is obtained regularly, systematically, multilevel, and by following clear and strict requirements. The role of the school are:
Students learn to get along with fellow students, between teachers and students, and between students and people who are not teachers.
Students learn to obey school rules.
Preparing students to become members of society that are useful for religion, nation and state.
It can be said that school education is the formation of intelligence, interest and talent in children to be developed.

Community Education Institutions
The community is the third institution after the family and school. Education in the wider impact community. The style and variety of education experienced by a person in society are numerous, covering all fields, both the formation of habits, the formation of understandings (knowledge) of attitudes and interests, as well as the formation of literature and religion.

So it can be said that community education is the application of family and school education. In community education this is more about education adjustments to the community.
The three educational institutions cooperated between them both directly and indirectly, by mutually supporting the same activities individually or together.
In other words, the act of educating parents to children is also done by schools by strengthening it and being controlled by the community as an environment for the child's social environment.

Examples of Formal Education Institutions
a. Kindergarten (TK)
b. Raudatul Athfal (RA)
c. Elementary School
d. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)
e. Middle School (SMP)
f. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
g. High School (SMA)
h. Madrasah Aliyah (MA)
i. Vocational High School Vocational School)
j. Vocational Aliyah Madrasah (MAK)
k. Higher Education, including; Academy, Polytechnic, High School,
Institute and University.
Examples of Non-Normal Educational Institutions
a. Playgroup (KB)
b. Daycare Center (TPA)
c. Special Institutions
d. Studio
e. Training institute
f. Study groups
g. Learning centers
h. Assembly taklim
i. "AMAL-MAS" Skills and Training Institute
Examples of Informal Education Institutions
Parents as an educational institution.
The foundation as an educational institution.
The state as an educational institution.
Religious institutions.