Clen Differentiation (Clans)

Clen Differentiation (Clans)
Clen (Clan) is often also called a broad relative or extended family. Clen is a genealogical unity, genealogical unity (religious) and traditional unity (tradition). Clen is a social system based on the same blood ties or offspring that generally occur in unilateral societies either through the father's lineage (patrilineal) or the mother's line (matrilineal).

Klen on the basis of paternal lineage (patrilineal) include in:
Batak people (as Marga)
Karo Batak Marga: Ginting, Sembiring, Singarimbun, Barus,
Tambun, Paranginangin;
Toba Batak Marga: Nababan, Simatupang, Siregar;
Marga Batak Mandailing: Harahap, Rangkuti, Nasution, Coal,
The Minahasa community (the clause is called Fam) includes: Mandagi, Lasut, Tombokan, Pangkarego, Paat,
Ambonese community (the clause is called Fam) include: Pattinargeti, Latuconsina, Lotul, Manuhutu,
The Flores community (called "Fam") includes:
Fernandes, Wangge, Da Costa, Leimena, Kleden, De-Rosari, Paeira.

Klen on the basis of maternal lineage (matrilineal), among others, are in the Minangkabau community, the clen is called a tribe which is a combination of kampuang-kampuang. Clen names in Minangkabau include: Koto, Piliang, Chaniago, Sikumbang, Malay, Solo, Dalimo, Kampai,
People in Flores, the Ngada tribe, also use the Matrilineal system.
Batak tribe is one of the tribes in Indonesia that uses a patrilineal system

Differentiation of Religion
According to Durkheim religion is an integrated system consisting of beliefs and practices related to sacred matters. Religion is an essential problem for human life because it involves a person's beliefs that are considered true. Belief in religion is morally binding on its adherents. That belief forms the moral community group (ummah). The adherents of a religion can be identified by the way they dress, how to behave, how to worship, and so on.
Thus, religious differentiation is a grouping of people based on their religion / beliefs.

The Components of Religion
Religious emotion, which is an irrational attitude that is able to thrill the soul, for example an attitude of fear of mixing
The belief system, manifested in the form of thoughts / ideas of humans such as belief in the attributes of God, the appearance of the supernatural, cosmology, the afterlife, magic ring, spirits of ancestors, gods, and
Religious ceremonies, which take the form of worship to God, Gods and Grandma's Spirit
Places of worship, such as mosques, churches, temples, temples, temples,
People, namely members of one religion which is a social unit.

Religion and Society
In its development religion affects the community and so does the community influences religion or dynamic interactions occur. In Indonesia, we know Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism and Hinduism. Besides that, other religions or beliefs have also developed, such as Khong Hu Chu, Beliefs, Kaharingan and other original beliefs.

This is where various people carry out their worship

Differentiation of Professions (occupations)
Profession or occupation is an activity carried out by humans as a source of income or livelihood.
Differentiation of professions is a grouping of people based on the type of work or profession. The profession is usually associated with a special skill. For example the teaching profession requires special skills, such as: articulate, like to guide, be patient, etc.
Based on the different professions we know the community groups work as teachers, doctors, traders, laborers, civil servants, soldiers, and so on.
Professional differences will usually also affect social behavior. For example, the behavior of a teacher will be different from that of a doctor when both carry out their work.

Sex Differentiation
Gender is a category in society that is based on sex or gender differences (biological differences). This biological difference can be seen from the structure of the reproductive organs, body shape, sound, and so on. On that basis, there are male or male community groups and women's or female groups.

Differentiation of Regional Origin
This differentiation is a grouping of people based on the origin of the area or place of residence, village or city. Divided into:
village community: groups of people who live in villages or come from villages;
urban communities: groups of people who live in urban areas or come from cities.
The differences between villagers and city people can be found in the following matters: - behavior
how to dress
how to decorate the house

Party Differentiation
In order to accommodate the aspirations of the public to participate in regulating the state / power, so many parties have sprung up. Party differentiation is the difference in society in its activities regulating state power, in the form of social units, seazas, seideologi and seiran.
In the 1999 Election there were 48 parties, in the 2004 Election the number of parties may have increased. Well, you have completed all the material in learning activities 1. Hopefully you have a good understanding of the subject of social differentiation. Well .... let's deepen the discussion by doing the following tasks / exercises.

Example of Social Differentiation
From the discussion above we can convey examples of social differentiation in our society. The example can be seen below:
Classification of the community because of physical differences which came to be known by various races such as the Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid, etc.
The classification of society due to differences in social status can be seen in: Community life in the village of a village administrator will have a different social status from ordinary people, this happens because of different positions or powers.
The classification of society because of cultural characteristics can be seen in the diversity of tribes in Indonesia such as the Minangkabau, Javanese, Toraja Banjar, Dayak, etc.
Differences in Differentiation from Stratification
Before we study social stratification specifically in the coming module, by looking at the table below we can clearly distinguish between social differentiation and social stratification.