Development of the Leaf Axis

Development of the Leaf Axis
This carrier file is usually divided into 2 types namely, xylem and phloem. These transport beam cells are thin-walled to facilitate inter-cell transport, possibly having chloroplasts such as mesophyll. Often there are crystals. In most dicotyledonous leaves, the parenchymal transport beam extends toward the epidermis on one or both sides of the leaf. Cells that reach the direction of the epidermis function in transporting the leaves. Not only the Dikotil leaves that have a transport file, but also the transport file is contained in Monocotyl leaves (Campbel, 2005).

In general, leaf development starts from the initial stage (initiation), initial differentiation, leaf axis development, the origin of leaf strands, and histogenesis of leaf blade tissue.

Initial stage (Initiation)
Leaf initiation begins with the division of periclins in groups of small cells on the shoot side. The number of layers of cells that begin to divide and their position in shoots varies in different plants. Primordia leaves originate from layers of the outermost layers of shoots (Hidayat, 1995).
In all Dicotyledonous plants, the first division of pericline does not occur in the cell surface layer, but in cells that lie one or two layers below. The surface layer is expanded by anticline cleavage several times (Hidayat, 1995).
The most common case, the initiation of leaf primordia begins in the cell layer below the surface layer. In this case the tunica cell layer and its neighbor cell layer from the corpus participate in the different initiation of primordium (Fahn, 1991).

Early Differentiation
As a result of continued cell division, leaf primordium protrudes from the shoots as a support which has the form of small papillae or bulges. Leaf support consists of a protoderm layer and prokambium strands, which grow acropetally and not far from the trunk cavium (Sumardi, 1993).

Development of the Leaf Axis
In most Dikotil and Gymnosperms leaves, the development of the leaf axis precedes the leaf blade. The results of the rapid development of primordia into a conical shape that is pointed with the side of the adaksalpipih (flat). This cone tip is an apical meristem. In certain plants, from the initial stage of development when the primordium is still 1 mm in size, an increase or further development will occur due to cell division and elongation which is far from the tip of the primordium. This growth is called intercalar growth (Sumardi, 1993).

The origin of the leaf blade
During the initial elongation and thickening of the young leaf axis, the axial edge cells continue to divide rapidly. The initials are the outermost layer cells on the edge of young leaf strands. In Angiosperms, these initials usually divide only in the direction of the anticline and the addition of new cells occurs in the direction of the abaxial and adaxial protoderm (Sutrian, 2004).
In the fringed and pinnate compound leaves, lateral leaf strands develop from the merax of the adaxial margins and the young leaf axis as two rows of papillae. In other plants, leaf development occurs acropetally or bisepetally (Sutrian, 2004).

Histogenesis of Leaf Leaves Network
Peripheral growth lasts longer than apical growth, but stops relatively early. After the periphery growth stops, further growth of the leaf's hair is carried out by the division of the leaf blade cells. Anticline cleavage forms meristem plates. Meristem plate activity results in an increase in surface area, but there is no organ thickening. In leaf blades, meristem cells are layered so that it is relatively easy to trace the origin of the epidermis, palisade tissue and sponges, as well as transport beams (Hidayat, 1995).
Leaf growth is controlled by genetic factors, but it is also influenced by external and internal environmental conditions. Outside factors that affect the leaves include water supply, nutrition, day length and light intensity. Image of Leaf Development

The active separation of leaves from branches, without leaving a wound, is called leaf absision. Leaves are often dated during the dry season, or when there is a lack of water, leaving no injuries. Absection is also a useful adaptation to release old leaves, ripe fruit and flowers that will not produce fruit, and is a way of pruning themselves if the number of branches is too much (Hidayat, 1995).
Leaf absences are usually prepared near the base of the petiole or leaf base. This abortion area can be distinguished histologically from other tissues, that is, the exterior is marked by the presence of shallow indentations or the presence of epidermal color differences (Hidayat, 1995).
Vascular system in the abortion area is usually centered in the middle. The development of sklerenkim and kolenkim is not good or even absent. In the area of abortion there are two layers of separation, the place where the release of organs and is a protective layer from the drought and entry of parasites (Mulyani, 2006).
In the abscess area, there was a cytological and biochemical change in the cells in the separating area which finally separated the leaves from their branches. In most leaves, flowers and fruit and some stems, preparation of the abscess layer occurs during ontogeny. However, the abscess layer can also occur immediately after there are conditions that stimulate absection. In the abscess area, the clerified tissue is often reduced and the network of vessels condenses in the middle, not at the edges. In some species, such absentee areas are at the meeting place of the leaf stalk and joints (Sumardi, 1993).

Histologically, separation or absection occurs through the following histological stages:
1). Rupture of pith cells
2). Cell division in the cortex
3). Cell differentiation and enlargement
4). Breakdown of vascular and cortex cells
The date of the leaves or leaves does not need to be always associated with the dissolution of the cell wall or middle lamela. In most monocots and some wet dicots, physical stress results in leaf separation (Fahn, 1991).
Image Formation of Leaf Absection Area

Based on the availability of water in the environment, it can be distinguished into Xerophyte plants and Hydrophytic plants, each of which has Xeromorphic and Hydrophobic properties.

Xeromorfi, Figure Xeromorfi
Adaptation of plants that are Xeromorphic Epidermis can be composed of more than 1 layer of cells, stomata hidden in 1 concave, (Cryptophore), palisade is on both sides of the leaf surface in other words palisade parenchyma is more developed than spongy parenchyma, and even parenchyma sponges can be absent, the epidermis often grows trichomes, and epidermal cells undergo thick lignification (Hidayat, 1995).

Hydromorphic image
Adaptations of plants that are Hydromorphic are stomata often protruding outward, have large air spaces and epidermis without cuticles and contain chloroplasts. Factors which mainly affect aquatic plants are temperature, air, and the concentration and composition of salt in water. The most prominent structural properties in the leaves of aquatic plants are the reduction in the strengthening and protective tissue, the reduced amount of transport tissue, especially xylem, and the presence of many air voids (Hidayat, 1995).

Dicotle Leaves
Pictures of Dikotil Leaves
Pictures of Dikotil Leaves
Monocot Leaves
Image of Monocot Leaves
The location of the difference is based on the pole network (palisade)
In monocots, there is no pole network
In dicot, there are two tissues (Palisade and Sponge).

The conclusion obtained in the making of this paper is the leaf is a plant organ that functions for photosynthesis. In general, plant anatomy is divided into 3 tissues, namely: epidermis, mesophyll, and bundle file. The epidermis functions as a protector, and in one part there is a stomata that functions as a way in and out of water and gas such as CO2 and O2.
Mesophiles consist of palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma networks, which contain chlorophyll and automatically function in photosynthesis. While the bundle of vessels in which there are xylem and phloem certainly functions in the transportation or transportation of water and the results of photosynthesis.