Factors the Occurrence of Assimilation

Factors the Occurrence of Assimilation
The factors that encourage or facilitate assimilation are as follows.
Tolerance among groups of different cultures
Equal opportunity in the economic field
Willingness to respect and respect strangers and the culture they carry.
Open attitude from the ruling class in society
Similarities in universal cultural elements
Marriage between groups of different cultures
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Examples of Cultural Assimilation
One example of the assimilation process is the transmigration program carried out in Riau during the New Order era. This transmigration program not only succeeded in leveling the population of various islands in the World, but this transmigration program also resulted in assimilation, especially in Riau. This can be seen from the large number of transmigrants that produce new cultures, such as Javanese-Malay, Mandailing-Malay, and so forth.
Ajeng is a world person who likes Balinese dance. Ajeng then became good friends with Betty from Latin America who loved the traditional Latin American Tango dance. Because the two are constantly interacting, then there is a mixture of cultures that produce new cultures. The meaning. Ajeng finally had a new dance which was the result of a merging of Balinese and Tango dances, but his new dance did not show any distinctive Balinese dances or Tango dances.
An example of the assimilation process is the transmigration program carried out in Riau during the New Order administration. This transmigration program not only succeeded in leveling the population of various islands in the World, but this transmigration program also resulted in assimilation, especially in Riau. This can be seen from the many transmigrants that produce new cultures, for example Javanese-Malay, Mandailing-Malay, and so forth.

Definition of Acculturation
Acculturation (acculturation or culture contact) is a social process that arises when a group of people with a particular culture is confronted with elements of a foreign culture in such a way that the foreign cultural elements are gradually accepted and processed into their own culture without causing loss of cultural personality itself. In short, acculturation is the union of two or more cultures so as to form a new culture without removing the elements of the original culture.

Problems that Arise in Acculturation
In researching acculturation, there are five categories of problems regarding acculturation, namely:
the problem of methods for observing, recording, and describing an acculturation process in a society.
the issue of what elements of foreign culture are easily accepted, and what elements of foreign culture are hard to accept by the recipient community.
the issue of what elements of culture are easily replaced or changed, and what elements are not easily replaced or changed by elements of foreign culture
the issue of what individuals like and quickly accept, and what individuals are difficult and slow to accept elements of foreign culture; 5. the problem of social tensions and crises arising as a result of acculturation.

Important Things Regarding Acculturation
The things that should be considered by researchers who will examine acculturation are:
the state of the recipient community before the acculturation process begins; Material concerning the state of the recipient community is actually material about the history of the community concerned. If there are written sources, then the material can be collected using methods commonly used by historians.
If written sources are not available, the researcher must gather material about the state of the recipient community who has returned as far as possible in the space of time, for example by the interview process. Thus, a researcher can find out the cultural situation of the recipient community before the acculturation process begins. At this time the so-called "starting point of the acculturation process" or base line of acculturation.
Individuals from foreign cultures who carry elements of foreign culture; these individuals are also called agents of acculturation. The work and background of the agents of acculturation will determine the style of culture and what elements will enter into an area. This happens because in a society, especially if the community is a broad and complex society, residents only know a small part of their culture, usually related to their profession and background.
Channels through which foreign cultural elements enter the recipient culture: It is important to know a clear picture of the acculturation process. An example is if we want to know the process that must be passed by the central culture to enter into a regional culture, then the channels are through the propaganda system of political parties, school education, the hierarchy of government employees, and others.
The parts of the recipient society that are affected by the elements of the foreign culture, sometimes the elements of the foreign culture that are accepted by each group in the society are different. Therefore, it is important to know which parts of the recipient society are affected by these foreign cultural elements.
The reactions of individuals who are exposed to elements of foreign culture, are divided into 2 general reactions, namely the "old-fashioned" reaction and the "progressive" reaction. "Old-fashioned" reaction is a reaction to reject elements of foreign culture, which in turn will cause the resignation of his side from the reality of people's lives, back to their old lives. "Progressive" reactions are reactions that are the opposite of "old-fashioned", reactions that accept elements of foreign culture.